Blast Through Fat Loss Plateaus & Get A Next Level Body Without Burnout Even In Your 40’s, 50’s, & Beyond.


Client Success

Real Clients, Real Results. 

Karen B.

"I have been training with Shana now for 6 weeks. I have already seen results. She is amazing and genuinely cares about her clients. She not only has me on a fitness program, she has designed a new meal plan for me that works with my busy schedule. I am so grateful for her and I highly recommend her as a coach!"

Allie M.

"When I started training with Shana my goal was to be stronger and also lose body fat. She has helped me do both of those and so much more. Her workouts are tough, but worth it. Shana also helps me with meal plans to make sure I'm eating the right balance of everything, while making sure I can have my favorite foods. I haven't been in such good shape in years!" 

Judy S.

"I was so mind blown about how simple it was to hit my goals! 20 lbs down?! No way, I never thought I would get there. I want to thank Shana for all her guidance. I recommend her 100%."



More Client Success

I was able to increase my metabolism and balance my hormones naturally through nutrition, exercise, and a major lifestyle shift, and I can help you do the same! 


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Core strength is at the center of every move your body makes.  Put in the work to build those muscles and you’ll be sure to notice a boost to your mobility and stamina throughout the day.

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The best part about learning new dance moves is gaining the confidence to show them off. Learn dance routines you can't wait to share while burning calories and building lean muscle.

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The Energized Lifestyle 

Weekly fitness, wellness, and lifestyle tips based on real research to help you live a healthier and happier more Energized Lifestyle.